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PLEASE NOTE: iSupply are no longer accepting new customers and existing customers are being transferred to EDF Energy.

iSupplyEnergy was a gas and electricity company run by the Swedish state-owned energy group Vattenfall but based in Dorset. iSupplyEnergy claimed to offer some of the cheapest fixed and variable tariffs on the market for green gas and renewable electricity.

iSupplyEnergy Customer Rating

iSupplyEnergy customers rated the dual fuel energy supplier 4.1 stars out of 5 on TrustPilot.

FAQs about iSupplyEnergy

If you’re after more information about iSupplyEnergy, look no further. Find the answers to your frequently asked questions below.

Does iSupplyEnergy have an app?

iSupplyEnergy does currently not have an app.

Does iSupplyEnergy support Feed-in Tariffs?

iSupplyEnergy does participate in the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) scheme on a voluntary basis and will only accept FiT applications from their own customers.

Does iSupplyEnergy supply 100% renewable energy?

Yes. iSupplyEnergy supplies 100% renewable energy.

Can I get a smart meter with iSupplyEnergy?

Yes. iSupplyEnergy did not install any first-generation smart meters (SMETs1), instead, their rollout only includes second-generation smart meters (SMETs2).

How to contact iSupplyEnergy

You can get in touch with iSupplyEnergy:

Over the telephone on +44 (0) 330 2020 298.

On Twitter via @VattenfallGroup

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